OLIVIERI SPA has obtained the following certificates:

"Food safety Management System" UNI EN ISO 22000:2005 The certificate covers slaughtering, cutting, deboning, packaging, freezing and storage of beef and offals.
"Agri-food supply chain traceability" UNI EN ISO 22005/2008 The certificate covers the purchasing, breeding, transportation, slaughtering, cutting into primary cuts, deboning and selling of carcases, sides, quarters and primary cuts with bones and deboned anatomical cuts.
"Beef and veal labelling" In 2010 the company obtained authorisation to label beef and veal in the ways provided for in the voluntary beef and veal labelling guidelines, with the unique Italian code IT132ET (Regulation (EC) No. 1760/2000 and Italian Ministerial Decree of 30 August 2000).

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